Single-art design & layout by Nick Katona, Zene Háza, Florida
Soldier’s Song is our third track released and our first charity track.
Soldier’s Song is being released to raise money for the people of Ukraine. All profits raised by the sales are to be donated to World Central Kitchen. Soldier’s Song was written by Don Mularz and Richard Taylor and performed by Dark Horse Flyer.
“Inspired by the bravery of our Fathers and Uncles who went in harm’s way for the love of Family and Country says Don Mularz, much like every man, or woman that leaves a loved one behind to fight for their country not knowing but hoping one day they will come home and that special someone will still be waiting for them. Just like the brave men and women in Ukraine are doing.”
Recorded live at the band’s Florida rehearsal studio the Hanger, with one mic and one take. The song was originally released as a music video and posted on social media every Veterans and Memorial Day.
Special Thanks to Don Mularz and Dark Horse Flyer for being part of this project to help the people of Ukraine
Dark Horse Flyer is
Don Mularz: guitar and vocals, Richard Taylor: fretless bass, Raul Hernandez: Cajon, Bob Taylor: organ, John Tillman: guitar solo, Scott Lane: guitar.
World Central Kitchen is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. Founded in 2010 by celebrity chef José Andrés, the organization prepared food in Haiti following its devastating earthquake.
Eva Prima Pandora written & composed, performed, mixed, mastered and produced by Steve Bonino.
About The song
The mythology of the painting by Jean Cousin dated 1550 titled:
Eva Prima Pandora
The author creates a curious symbiosis between a painting with a mythological theme and a painting with a religious theme. The work is identified by a poster that relates the mythological character of Pandora , the first woman and origin of the evils of the human race according to Greek mythology , with the biblical Eve , also a participant in the fall of the human race into sin.
In the painting are the symbols of the skull , alluding to the death related to the protagonist, the serpent entangled in the left arm, which recalls the biblical story of the serpent’s deception of Eve in Paradise , the branch of apple tree reminiscent of the forbidden fruit and the jug that points to Pandora’s box from which the evils of humanity emerged.
Since early Christian art was developed, the Greek myth was related to the biblical account of Genesis as both women, Eva and Pandora, symbol of curiosity and responsibility in the fall of the human being.
How EVA PRIMA PANDORA came about.
The creation of this album was inspired by Nick Katona, Owner of Melodic Revolution Records.
Nick called me one day “says Steve Bonino” with an idea for a collaborative album called ‘Troubleshooting Pandora’s Box’.
It would incorporate songs written and performed by various artist including Melodic Revolution Records artists and would center around the myth of Pandora’s Box, hopefully to be released as an album on MRR, but would start out as individual songs being released as singles.
I submitted one song which he liked and I was inspired by the subject matter so I kept writing. I submitted a second, a third, a fourth and after the sixth submission, all of which received his thumbs up, I approached Nick with the concept of releasing a complete ‘The Steve Bonino Project’ album based on the Pandora myth to be released on MRR. He kindly agreed and so here is ‘The Steve Bonino Project’ interpretation of the Pandora’s Box myth titled ‘Eva Prima Pandora ’.
We are thrilled that our first single Pyrrha’s Song is now on YouTube
About The song Pyrrha was Pandora’s daughter, her father was the Titan Epimetheus. Pyrrha and her husband Deukalion (Deucalion) were the sole survivors of the Great Deluge. To repopulate the earth, Hermes instructed them to cast stones over their shoulder, which formed a new race of men and women. Ralph Shephard’s lyrics speak to Pyrrha’s story of facing the Great Flood and her duty to repopulate the world.
Music composed by Dyanne Potter Voegtlin Arranged by Jan-Christian Vögtlin Lyrics by Ralph Shephard
Keyboards, vocals: Dyanne Potter Voegtlin Bass, guitar, keyboards: Jan-Christian Vögtlin Drums: Jimmy Keegan
Produced by Dyanne Potter Voegtlin & Jan-Christian Vögtlin Painting by Giovanni Maria Bottalla Art concept and layout, Nick Katona
Music composed by Dyanne Potter Voegtlin Arranged by Jan-Christian Vögtlin Lyrics by Ralph Shephard
Keyboards, vocals: Dyanne Potter Voegtlin Bass, guitar, keyboards: Jan-Christian Vögtlin Drums: Jimmy Keegan
Produced by Dyanne Potter Voegtlin & Jan-Christian Vögtlin Painting by Giovanni Maria Bottalla Art concept and layout, Nick Katona
About The song Pyrrha was Pandora’s daughter, her father was the Titan Epimetheus. Pyrrha and her husband Deukalion (Deucalion) were the sole survivors of the Great Deluge. To repopulate the earth, Hermes instructed them to cast stones over their shoulder, which formed a new race of men and women. Ralph Shephard’s lyrics speak to Pyrrha’s story facing the Great Flood and her duty to repopulate the world.
Sometimes there is synchronicity as is this case. In late 2019 while attending ProgStock I had reached out to many musicians that I have known for some time regarding this project I had in mind for many years, I was thrilled at the reception given by everyone I had approached, they all seemed eager to participate in this endeavor.
The plan was to set up a space where we could all meet up virtually and work on the ideas, then wham! out of nowhere, life happens. and we had to move wife ends up in the hospital due to injury and then covid hit so I just kept pushing it off as we didn’t know what would happen. then in early December last year, I had set a place for us to meet up virtually and the next thing I know is Dyanne Potter Voegtlin contacted me and said there is a working idea for the first track, so now I will let her explain the next step.
Some time ago Ralph contacted me out of the blue and asked if I would collaborate on his project, he is in the midst of making a movie, an animated film. I was open to it so he sent me a list of lyrics; he is incredibly prolific. And then nothing really happened, I got busy with Potter’s Daughter and time went by. Then, I told him I was interested in lyrics pertaining to Pandora, and he actually told me he already had several songs related to Pandora and sent me four different ones. This one, in particular, spoke to me; I immediately heard the melody upon reading the lyrics. So I composed it fairly quickly, it started off much softer and reflective sounding. But then Jan agreed to arrange it and he is the one who turned it into what we hear now! Of course, Jimmy Keegan was approached about laying down some drums to the track now known as Pyrrha’s song Jimmy’s drums added so much! Dyanne Potter Voegtlin
There you have it the birth of what promise to be an amazing project and a briilliant first song. I want to thank everyone involved in the project so far, but stay tuned we have a lot more in store for you all.